CLASH OF THE TITANS!- Oh; And Bakugo’s Still In It, Too. My Hero Academia Chapter 285 BREAKDOWN

I was thinking of just leaving it as “Clash Of The Titans!,” but I felt like cutting out the namesake of this chapter would be rude and honestly just misleading. Because-at the end of the day- this was a Bakugo Centric Chapter. We see this chapter from the point-of-view of Bakugo, and see essentially the death of the Katsuki Bakugo of old. From now on; he’s no longer an explosive jerk that told Deku to go jump off a roof- he’s an explosive jerk who SAVES PEOPLE! My Hero Academia Chapter 285: “Katsuki Bakugo: Rising.” Oh~~~~~~; a “Rising” chapter! Heh hehhehehehe………this should be fun……….

One For All And All For One- The Long Awaited Clash Heats Up!

We open the chapter with a flashback to what the doctors told him following his Do-Or-Die battle with Muscular: “If you break your arms- just 2 or 3 more times- you won’t be able to use your arms anymore!” As the image of the past Izuku looks down at his torn-to-sh!t-n-back arms; the present Izuku gives the present Tomura EVERYTHING One For All can muster at this point! He’s kind of playing “Paddle ball” with this thing- basically kicking and punching backwards while using Black Whips to hold him in the air with him. Each attack becomes more and more destructive- both to the environment and Deku himself.

A “Detroit Smash” here and a “Wyoming Smash” there, followed up with “St Louis Smash-” you get the point. Deku’s doing everything he can think of at this point to pound at Tomura(PAUSE) and bash at him while his regeneration starts to shut down. I don’t know if I said this before, but I liken this effect to when Vegito was kicking Super Buu’s pink @$$ in the later portion of the Dragon Ball Z anime. Vegito essentially knocked Buu around so much that even his regeneration started to fail him- and he had to actually try to reform himself. Which is what’s likely happening to Tomura: He got so bashed up while his quirks were shut off that the quirk essentially went into “overdrive-” only to over exert itself and now he’s actually going to have to concentrate to heal.

Sorry to bring up a series that people are starting to see as a “lesser piece of media from a bygone era,” but I think that some people need to start throwing respect on Dragon Ball’s name. Y’all know you wouldn’t have some of the “greatness” we have today without Toriyama’s mammoth success, right?

Vegito vs Super Buu | Personajes de dragon ball, Goten y trunks, Dibujo de  goku
This Scene Specifically

Sorry to waste time on a tangent and space on a random picture. I know none of you hate Dragon Ball(you haven’t told me otherwise); that was just me being a little bit defensive for a series that I hold so near and dear to my heart.

But in any case; Tomura is on the defensive- arms up blocking his face, not knowing that a body-shot would be much worse than anything Deku could do to his(at this point) rotting face- thinking “This is exceeding my regeneration……If I don’t focus on defense; I’ll be blown away……..If these heroes didn’t push me to the limit……..No; other than my imperfect body…….” Wow…….lotta Dragon Ball references, I notice. Horikoshi- have you been re-watching Dragon Ball Z while held up in quarantine? A~dmit it- You SO Have! But Tomura isn’t one to use his incomplete power as an excuse- he’s the type to keep going until he dies! Much Like Any Hero……He raises his hand and yells “This Power is…….getting in the way…..OF MY DREAM!” Deku SCREAMS back “THAT’S WHAT THIS POWER WAS MADE FOR!” And in the next panel- A Massive Explosion!

“The Limits Of Power”

That “Texas Smash” the boy just pulled was probably the limit- it’s likely all down hill from here. Fortunately; the damage accumulated over the last few pages has probably gotten the results Deku wanted. So even a weakened “smash” at this point is gonna be a killer on the King Of Villains. The recoil of the quirk cause Deku to falter for a moment- allowing Tomura a moment to breathe. He immediately starts sifting through the quirks in his arsenal to find something to end this kid.

Bakugo says that he’s using his legs and his “Air Force” to avoid any unnecessary recoil damage- but he knows what game the d@mn nerds playing: The “Waiting Game.” Either Tomura’s gonna give out- or Deku’s gonna give out. It’s only a matter of time……….. He warns everyone that if they don’t do something; Deku won’t last a few more minutes. He asks Shoto if he finished his first aid on Aizawa yet- to which he says “Yeah.” Before he can ask why; he tells him to latch on to him. See, His Plan: Grab Icy Hot and have him keep Endeavor cool til they get to Tomura. And when the monster’s the furthest it can possibly be from Deku- Endeavor uses all his flames in a FINAL, decisive attack.

“Ain’t No Kids In War………..”

Before Lock Rock can finish telling them they’re just kids; Shoto and Endeavor latch on and Bakugo takes off. It is here that Lock Rock realizes: These aren’t kids- they’re Heroes!

As they rocket to the aerial battle; Bakugo is plagued with the memories he relived last chapter, as well as a handful from various other chapters. He even calls to mind the time in which he called One For All similar to All For One. And he says to that “Even if One For All is some sort of cursed power…………” He thinks……..back to when they were kids and saw All Might saving people left and right like it was as natural as breathing…………back to the events of chapter 1…….chapter 9…………. which leads him to the present where he sees exactly what Deku said he is: “The Deku Who Always Does His Best.


On the next “paddle;” Endeavor leaps off Bakugo and grabs hold of the battered Tomura Shigaraki. Those who watched the end of Season 4 know what it’s time for. Endeavor gets him in a full nelson- and unleashes his Strongest “PROMINENCE BURN!!!!!!!!!” Deku releases his Black Whips and gets down with Bakugo and Shoto.

At least 6x hotter than the one he used to burn Hood

As he burns-Tomura does what he had initially rejected. Something that I had speculated on once before. Yes, my dear readers………As Tomura burns to a crisp; he re-enters the “All For One” realm and hears the voice of his master. “Tomura………….Lend Me Your Body.Did I call it? Or did I call it? Man; that’s 2 previous theory posts that are proven to be correct this chapter. And I guess not-so-coincidentally; those happen to be 2 of my most well received and most liked posts on this blog ever! Well- a theory and a dicussion that came back into play. Still though- THRO RESPEC ON MI NAYM, SUN! I was right, and I knew it- I Knew it all along. Thank you all for listening- I was right- I was not wrong!


Ah……..wonder how many follows I’ll get this time. Oh yeah, did I mention? Those 2 posts also ended up increasing my follow count. Which always makes me happy; whenever a new friend joins our discussion, I just can’t help but get a little bit giddy! I know it sounds like I’m bragging, and I’m deeply sorry about that. But I’m just happy that I was able to read the clues Horikoshi left for us and came to the right conclusion- for once! This usually never happens for me! Thank you all for joining me in this momentous occasion. Alright, done j#^k!)9 m%$#!7 0ff. But just know that I was finally correct about something.

Now…………Endeavor continues to unleash his h#llfire at max power. But then……he suddenly punctured full of holes. You know those tendrils the man himself had when he fought All Might at Kamino? It’s those- only they’re aiming for the kill. And unlike another certain character in this chapter- Endeavor gets hit in some important body parts. As he falls; he can only ask “Why the h#ll won’t you die?……….

NEXT UP: Izuku Midoriya. His tendrils extend get a hold of Izuku- all while saying “Little Brother……….” This moment symbolizes All For One’s control over Tomura’s body- progressing. Tomura and Izuku could hear All For One’s voice- but now the voice is on the outside. And beat-to-sh!t Izuku can do nothing but look. Look at his impending doom coming at him like a freight train. And so does 1 Katsuki Bakugo. He looks, and without even thinking; Bakugo pushes Izuku out of the way and takes the attack. Like any true hero; “His body just moved on its own.” As My Hero Academia Chapter 285- comes to a dramatic END!

In True Horikoshi Fashion- The Title Page

Boy- it’s a good thing none of those are vital areas, huh, Kacchan? Too bad we can’t say the same for Endeavor. I’m not saying he’s dead- but I definitely think his days as a hero are over. Or if not- numbered. As for Izuku and Bakugo- They. Are. PUNISHED. Particularly Izuku. But it’s not like Kacchan is in any better shape. Come to think of it- Could Tomura steal his quirk this way? Like; could he use this quirk in conjunction with All For One itself to steal Bakugo’s explosion quirk? It’s a popular theory that Bakugo will lose his quirk and have to live life quirkless like Deku did for such a long time. I’m a fan of said theory- I think it could be feasible.

But what I also believe is that Tomura’s decay and All For One have mixed together for a decay effect to happen after he steals a quirk. Now that definitely won’t happen here(it’s Bakugo, we’re talking about), but it’s just something that I think will happen or come into play eventually. As for the chapter; Love it. Can not say anything more than just “I Love This Chapter.” It confirms my theories, it gives us pay off for all of Bakugo’s development, and the art is on FIRE.

That’s all I got for you party people for right now. Until the next post; remember to go beyond- PLUS ULTRA!

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