Sage Mode Returns! Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Chapter 64 BREAKDOWN

He doesn’t really do anything in this chapter, if I’m to be honest……..

Quick Note: I’m writing this a day or 2 ahead of when the actual chapter is suppose to come out. I have very little information on the chapter other than the early images of Boruto vs Code and Naruto Using Sage Mode!! That’s right, boys and girls: Naruto isn’t done just yet! I KNEW they were gonna incorporate Sage Mode back into the story; now that Kurama’s gone- he’s gonna need to be mindful of that so he doesn’t become a Toad. As for Boruto, though……let’s just get into the chapter. Boruto- Naruto Nest Generations Chapter 64: “Control.” Let’s Begin…….


Picking up where last month left off; Boruto- in his new Karma form- stands poised to face Code once more. Code is impressed, but Kawaki is upset- thinking that Momoshiki’s come out once again. But it’s not– the medicine Amado gave him seems to have helped to suppress Momoshiki’s consciousness, allowing Boruto to tap into this power whilst staying in control of his body. He tells Kawaki to stand back, and lunges at Code. He creates a number of Shadow clones(4- each without a Karma of their own), and they do battle against Code.

Code uses his claw marks to dodge and attack Boruto, but the clones use that against him by pulling him towards them by the arm. He punches Code in the face, but he recovers quickly. Nonetheless; Kawaki is amazed with how much power Boruto has managed to draw out.

I like her(probably because of her ability), but she’s kind of feeling like she’s just here for exposition to Code- and thus the audience.

Eida explains how this may have been possible to Code, and warns him that “it would be ‘funny’ if he loses before he regains his original power.” We then cut back to the Village, where Naruto is telling everyone to shift their search from Kawaki over to Boruto– thinking that they’ll also be able to find Kawaki in the same place.

Shikamaru comes to Naruto’s house, thinking the “Worst Case Scenario” would be that Code has already found them- or worse. In which case; he plans to go with Naruto to make sure neither happens. Hinata also wants to go, but Naruto tells her to stay and look after Himawari- in case……..things go sideways. But he promises to bring their sons back alive. He activates Sage Mode for the first time in forever, and finds Boruto’s chakra- 40 clicks away.

Shikamaru asks if he’s sure he can maintain Sage Mode, and Naruto replies that he’s gotten “better at it with the wisdom of age.” As they go off to battle; Shikamaru reminds him that he’s no longer a Jinchuruki- he doesn’t have the seemingly “limitless” chakra he did before……

Back with Boruto and Kawaki; Boruto tries to absorb Code’s clawmark’s with his Karma. But as they have traces of iron from his blood- they’re technically material and thus cannot be absorbed by Karma. Kawaki asks how Boruto’s managed to maintain control with all the power he’s letting out, to which Boruto replies that it must be a side effect of the drugs Amado gave him. But Code reminds him that they can’t specifically “get rid” of Momoshiki- he’ll be back……

I’m Gonna Steal This- ‘Kay Thanks BYE~~!”

And because he’s still an Ohtsusuki- he can still be fed to the 10 Tails and make the Chakra fruit. All he has to do is wait for Momoshiki’s possession to be completed- when he’ll be at his “ripest.” In the meantime; he plans to take Kawaki to Eida. Kawaki makes a Shadow Clone to free himself, but Code blocks the attack- but leaves him open to Boruto’s Rasengan(Karma Empowered). Code dodges via the clawmarks, and the Uzumaki Brothers square off against Code!

Boruto does the brunt of the fighting- engaging in a lot of Taijutsu with Code. He launches a Vanishing Rasengan- and he moves through those Godd@mn Clawmark’s again. And before Boruto can go get back to the fight- something starts to happen with his body; it starts to feel heavy, and he begins to suffocate- bringing Boruto: Naruto Next Generations to a suspenseful END!!! Okay, this isn’t good…….

He’s coming back, isn’t he……?


SO……..What’s going on with Boruto? Sorry; I started writing this part like a week or 2 AFTER the chapter came out. But…….. I think it might have something to do with the part about this medicine “weakening the Byakugan.” I think the medicine’s side effect of allowing him to use this level of Karma without Momoshiki coming out is the good new- the Bad news is that it’s doing more than attacking the Ohtsusuki DNA in the Karma. My thought: It’s attacking his own innate Hyuga clan traits. Like Amado said; it could cause a loss of vision or even potentially kill the boy. And if that’s the case; I don’t know how they’re gonna make it out of this situation- between Boruto dying over here and Code……… or are the 2 going to Connect in some way?

A Devout Follower- Will his Faith Be Rewarded?

Eida knows about the medicine Amado gave Boruto- with that infernal Seirengan of hers. She knows the drawbacks of it; she knows that they could cause Boruto to die. And when Code asks her what’s going on- she’ll tell him the truth. And she doesn’t want that to happen– she doesn’t want to lose one of her “Knights.” So she’ll likely tell Code to save him. And given her other little abilityHe’ll do it, alright. Which was a completely different direction than what I had originally planned for this paragraph.

Originally; I had wanted to spin the narrative of Code saving Boruto because of what he said in chapter 63 about “revering him” because he’s mostly Ohtsusuki now. But I took a break from this post to work on the 10th Dump post. Sorry about that. But thinking about; Eida telling him to do so is a more likely scenario. The question it leaves, though is: How? Though, thinking about it; Eida probably also knows of a way for Code to save him in this moment…….

But STILL: HOW?! We don’t even know exactly what’s going on at this point- I simply speculated that it was attacking his Hyuga traits rather than just dampening the Karma. I don’t actually know what’s going on, and we won’t until around the 20th of December. I honestly don’t know any way to get Boruto out of this situation…..

Menacing, Menacing, Menacing, Menacing, Menacing………

Now about the Shadow Clones– I don’t think there’s much to say about them. I know some people- myself included at first- were somewhat perplexed about why the Shadow Clones were Boruto’s regular design. I think the reason for that is to show us that the Karma can not be “shared” like that. According to Amado; Ohtsusuki can place Karma on multiple people- as shown when he killed “Jigen” to bring out Isshiki. However, as shown with Kawaki’s little stunt in defiance of Isshiki; it cannot be “shared” via the Shadow Clones. It seems like one of the “Karma Rules” is that the Karma of one “Vessel” cannot be “split up” like that.

Though it doesn’t seem like he can make anymore clones beyond his normal amount(4 clones). If he can, then I don’t see why he didn’t make a few more. It might have been to conserve chakra, but you’re not gonna beat Code with just a handful of Kawaki’s and Boruto’s. I guess they just didn’t want to mimic Naruto.

Down- But Not “Out.”

I thought that Naruto’s main power would be Sage mode going forward! He may not have chakra out the @$$ like he used to, but this form can still be useful. Not to mention the idea of the power scaling being brought down a level. Without Kurama or that Rinnegan; Naruto and Sasuke are gonna have to find new ways to fight against Code’s group. Hopefully Sasuke won’t be out of chakra after using the Rinnegan 2 times. Though…….. Can Naruto use it as effectively as before?

Originally; Kurama would sit inside Naruto gather senjutsu chakra- sense Shima(Ma) and Fukasaku(Pa) couldn’t merge with him. But now he has to leave 2 Shadow Clones behinds so he they can collect it, break the jutsu, and “give him” the senjutsu they absorbed. But will that work forever? I mainly asking this because of Sage mode’s kick back: Absorb too much and you become a ToadForever. So if Naruto isn’t careful- he’ll become a Toad. As for Sasuke– I definitely think that he’s going to get involved in this conflict at some juncture. And again; he can be of more use now that all his chakra isn’t in the infernal Rinnegan.

Though- How’s He Gonna Get Back in Time?


FINALLY! These monthly posts take a while- considering how late in the month they come out; they really might not come out until the next month. Like this one. But that’s besides the point; this was a pretty good chapter. But it feels like the story’s kind of “elongated” this part and slowed it’s pacing a little. Like; we were blitzing through content before- Isshiki’s invasion; Baryon Mode; Isshiki’s death; Code building his forces- Right after another!

It feels like Kishimoto coming in to write the story in place of Ukyo Kodachi has changed the story a little bit- as if the time skip he teased a few years back was supposed to have happened sometime after Daemon was introduced- a chapter or so, afterwards. And the pacing of the fights seems to have slowed a little bit, too. Maybe it’s just me……

But that’s all from me for today. Until the next post, everyone- Have a Magical day. Later!!